When a Death Occurs

Losing a Loved One 

When faced with a death, knowing what steps to take can ease some of the uncertainty in a difficult time. Whether the passing occurs at home, in a care facility, or away from home, understanding the immediate actions to be taken is crucial. From contacting local authorities or emergency services to coordinating with a preferred funeral home, having a plan in place can help navigate the initial stages of bereavement with greater clarity and peace of mind.

When a Death Occurs at Home

In case of an unexpected death, call local authorities or emergency services and inform them about any advanced directives or DNR orders. The medical professionals will confirm the passing and involve the coroner or medical examiner. If end-of-life care services were utilized, contact the agency, and a preferred funeral home for transportation arrangements. Refrain from moving the deceased or altering the home until responders arrive.

When a Death Occurs at a Hospital or Care Facility

When someone passes away in a hospital or any other facility, the caregivers and staff will assist you in coordinating the discharge process. You should make sure whether the facility will be responsible for notifying your preferred funeral home or if you need to do it yourself. The time frame for your loved one to be released into the funeral home's care may vary, but the staff will keep you updated throughout the process. Most hospice facilities will pre-arrange end-of-life plans and handle all the necessary details for you after a death occurs.

When a Death Occurs Away From Home

When a person passes away in a hospital or any other facility, the staff and caregivers there will assist with the discharge process. You may need to confirm whether the facility will inform your preferred funeral home about the death, or if it's your responsibility to make that communication. The duration for your loved one to be released to the funeral home's care may vary, but the staff should keep you informed throughout the process. In most hospice facilities, end-of-life plans are pre-arranged, and all details are coordinated by the staff after a person passes away.

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